BIO210 Weekly Guide #3




After completing this laboratory you should be able to:


1)   Recognize, fully classify, and functionally characterize samples of epithelia in microscopic sections


2)   For any sample of epithelia, state where in the body it could be found


3)   Recognize and  functionally characterize the various surface modifications found in epithelia


4)   Distinguish between the hypodermis, dermis, and epidermis in histological models and slides


5)   Be able to distinguish thick and thin skin and state where in the body each could be found


6)   Identify the layers of the dermis and epidermis


7)   Recognize hair follicles, dermal papillae, arrector pili, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands in histological models and slides


8)   Distinguish between thick and thin skin and state where in the body each is found


9)   Identify and distinguish the major fingerprint patterns


10)   Identify Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles and describe the sensory function of each


11)   Characterize the various mechanisms of passive and active movement of materials through cell membranes.






































Gross Anatomy List

Guide to Gross Anatomy Guide to Histology Guide to Physiology




I.  Epithelium {AP 4-2; APL Exercise 5.1}


       A. Properties

               cellular - tight cell apposition

               polarity - apical and basal surfaces

               basement membrane


       B. Locations

               lining surfaces, glands

       C. Functions

               boundaries, sealing, protection, absorption, excretion, transport, secretion, sensory   


       D. Classification

               cell shape









               surface modifications and accessory cells





                      goblet cells

               naming conventions

                      named for apical layer

                      order - arrangement, cell shape, "with", modification and accessory cells

               special types of epithelium

                      endothelium (simple squamous)

                      mesothelium (simple squamous)

                      transitional   (stratified transitional)

               functional considerations

                      how epithelial type matches function

                      why not all combinations are possible

       E. Actual Epithethelial Types

               simple squamous

                     esp. endothelium and mesothelium

               simple cuboidal

                     w/wo brush border (microvilli)


               simple columnar

                     w/wo brush border, ciliated, goblet cells

               stratified squamous moist (nonkeratinizing)

               stratified squamous keratinizing

               stratified cuboidal

               stratified columnar

               pseudostratified columnar ciliated w goblet cells (respiratory epithelium)



II. Integument {AP Ch 5; APL Unit 6}


       A. General features:

               largest organ of body

               3 layers:

                      epidermis, dermis, hypodermis

       B. Epidermis

               stratified squamous epithelium, keratinized

               epidermal ridges

               5 layers:

                      stratum basale (stratum geminativum)

                      stratum spinosum

                      stratum granulosum

                      stratum lucidum

                      stratum corneum


               thick vs. thin skin

       C. Dermis

               dense irregular C.T.

               2 layers:

                      papillary layer

                              dermal papillae

                              Meissner's corpuscles - fine touch

                              capillary loops

                      reticular layer

                              Pacinian corpuscles - deep pressure

                              hair follicles

                                     arrector pili

                              sweat glands - simple coiled tubular


                                     merocrine glands - open to surface

                                     apocrine glands - open to hair follicle

                              sebaceous glands - branched acinar


                                     holocrine glands

                                     open to hair follicles

       D. Hypodermis

               loose CT

               adipose tissue

       E. Skin coloration

               melanin in melanocytes - black

               carotene in subcutaneous fat - yellow

               hemoglobin in dermal capillaries - red

       F. Wound Repair

       G. Effects of Aging


III. Membrane Transport {FAP 3-6, Figs 3-18 - 3-22}

       A. Facilitated diffusion


                    channel selectivity

                    channel gating - voltage and ligand

                    relative conductances

               carrier molecules


       B. Active transport

               the sodium/potassium pump

               proton pumps

               metabolic requirements

               consequences for cells

                    Na+, K+ Cl- gradients

                    the membrane resting potential 

       C. Cotransport and countertransport mechanisms

               cotransport - e.g. Na+/glucose; Na+/aa's

               countertransport - e.g.  Na+/H+; Cl-/HCO3-



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Gross Anatomy List             


Locations in the body for each type of epithelium (not an exhaustive index):

    simple squamous:

          lungs (alveoli)

          kidneys (parts of Loops of Henle)

          endothelium - lining blood vessels and heart

          mesothelium - ling true body cavities

    simple cuboidal:


          parts of repiratory tree

          glands and ducts

    simple columnar:

          lower GI tract - enteron and colon


          gall bladder

          parts of respiratory tree

          parts of urinary tract

     stratified squamous moist

          upper digestive and shared digestive/respiratory tracts

          lower urogenital tracts


          glans and clitoris

     stratified squamous keratinized


     stratified cuboidal (2 layers)

          larger ducts - e.g. salivary, pancreas, liver

     stratified columnar (2 layers)

          conjunctiva of eye

     pseudostratified columnar w cilia and goblet cells (respiratory)

          upper respiratory passages (e.g. nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi)


          renal calyces, ureters, urinary bladder


Thick and thin skin locations:

     thick skin:

          plantar, palmar, volar surfaces

     thick skin:

          everywhere else  


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Guide to Gross Anatomy




A) Locate the following structures on the integument models {APL Fig 6.3, 6.4}:


          reticular and papillary layers

          dermal papillae

          hair follicle

              hair shaft

              hair root

              hair bulb

              hair papilla

              sebaceous gland

              arrector pili muscle

          sweat gland

          Meissner's corpuscle

          cutaneous blood vessels


          stratum corneum

          stratum lucidum

          deeper epidermal strata (granulosum, spinosum, basale/germinativum)


B) Locate the following structures on the distal end of one of your fingers {APL Fig 6.5}:       


       lateral, medial, and proximal nail folds







Follow APL Exercise 6-4 to make your own fingerprint card and to practice "dusting", "lifting", classifying, and matching fingerprints.


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Guide to Histology


Epithelium {APL Exercise 5.1; Fig. 5.3}


This tissue is found covering the outer body surface and lining the inner body surfaces, including hollow organs, ducts, vessels, body cavities, etc.  Epithelium has the following structural properties:


1)   It is predominantly cellular, having very little intercellular (extracellular) material. 


2)   Characteristically, epithelium is avascular - blood vessels are not found within the epithelium proper, so oxygen and nutrients must diffuse to the epithelium from adjacent tissues.


3)   Epithelium has a polarity; it has an apical surface (usually facing a lumen or the outside world) and a basal surface (usually bordering on underlying connective tissue [C.T.]).


4)   All epithelium is bound to a fibrous basement membrane (basal lamina).  Epithelia are classified according to the number of cell layers and the cell shape of the surface layer.  In addition, the classification includes any specialized surface modifications (such as cilia, microvilli, or stereocilia) and specialized cells (such as goblet cells) in the epithelium.  There are three basic layering patterns - simple, pseudostratified, and stratified.  There are four basic cell shapes - squamous, cuboidal, columnar, and transitional.  This would seem to imply twelve (3 x 4) possible epithelial combinations, however, only seven basic types of epithelium are found in the body. 


For each of these basic epithelial types you should be able to:


       recognize it

       correctly classify it

       state for what function(s) it is specialized

       state where in the body it might be found.


1)   Simple Squamous Epithelium                                                        

      This consists of a single layer of flattened cells, specialized for diffusion, typical of thellining of blood and lymph vessels (which is given the specialized name "endothelium"), of the lining of the pleural (lung exterior), cardiac, and abdominal body cavities ("mesothelium"), the alveolar air sacs of the lungs, and portions of each kidney nephron.


2)   Simple Cuboidal Epithelium                                                          

      Simple cuboidal epithelium consists of a single layer of cells as tall as they are broad. It is specialized for secretion/absorption and is found in the ducts of many glands, in the kidney, on the ovary, and in the ciliary body of the eye.


3)   Simple Columnar Epithelium                                                         

      This epithelium has a single layer of cells, taller than they are broad.  It is specialized for secretion aand/or absorption and is found in the stomach, small and large intestines, gall bladder, oviducts, and the secretory cells of many glands.


4)   Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium                                            

      This is like a simple epithelium, in that each cell is in contact with the basement membrane, but it appears stratified because the cell nuclei lie at multiple levels, giving the superficial appearance of multiple layers of cells.  It is found in the upper respiratory system (nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, and large bronchi), in the vas deferens, and in portions of the male and female urethra.


5)   Stratified Squamous Epithelium                                                     

      This is an epithelium of multiple layers, with the cells at the apical surface being flattened and squamous.  It is specialized for protection, resistance to friction, and waterproofing.  The surface layer may be keratinized or nonkeratinized (moist); no other cell surface modifications are present.  This epithelium forms the skin and lines the nostrils, lips, mouth, parts of the pharynx, esophagus, anus, distal urethra, and vagina.


6)   Stratified Cuboidal or Columnar Epithelium                                   

      This epithelium is relatively rare.  Stratified columnar or stratified cuboidal epithelia are found in the larger ducts of some glands (sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin, salivary and mammary glands), in the Graafian follicle of the ovary, in the conjunctiva of the eye, and occasionally in the male urethra.  It provides a tougher lining than would a simple epithelium.


7)   Transitional Epithelium                                                                  

      This is formally a "stratified transitional epithelium", which is specialized for stretching.  It is found in the renal calyces, ureters, and bladder.  The large rounded transitional, or "dome" cells of the apical surface, often spreading across several lower cells, distinguish it from stratified squamous, which it superficially resembles.  As the organs expand, these dome cells undergo a transition from a cuboidal  to a squamous shape, to accommodate the increase in surface area.


Surface Modifications and Specializations


There are five possible kinds of modifications of the apical surface layer(s) of cells.


1)   Cilia                                                                                 

      Cilia are motile surface structures which propel substances along the walls of the organ lumen.  They are found in the respiratory tree and the oviduct.  What gets moved in each structure?  They are also never found on squamous cells.  Why?  Under high magnification cilia can be distinguished from other surface extensions by the dark line at the base.  This dark line is formed by the optically-dense basal bodies which anchor the cilia.


2)   Microvilli                                                                     

      Microvilli are outfoldings or extensions of the luminal cell membrane.  They increase the surface area of the cell and are especially adapted for absorption and secretion.  Under light microscopy the individual projections may not be visible, but their presence blurs the cell surface, giving it a "cuticular" or "brush" border.  Microvilli may be found in simple cuboidal or columnar epithelia and are present in portions of the gut and in the kidney tubules, among other places.


3)   Stereocilia                                                                                    

      Stereocilia are sparse, extremely long microvilli (hence, the name "stereocilia" is really a misnomer; stereocilia are not related to cilia).  They give the surface cells a feathery, wispy, or comb-like appearance.  They are nonmotile.  They are found in the pseudostratified cuboidal epithelium of the epididymis and ductus deferens, as well as in some sensory cells.


4)   Goblet Cells                                                                                 

      Goblet cells are goblet-shaped cells which are found interspersed among the "regular" columnar cells of the upper respiratory epithelium, lining of the intestines, and conjunctiva of the eye.  Their function is to produce mucus, which lubricates and protects the epithelial surface.


5)   Keratinization                                                                   

      Keratinization is a surface modification of the epidermis of skin.  The most apical cells become filled with the protein keratin, then die. This forms a rough, abrasion resistant, and water-proof layer of stacked, flattened, dead cells at the surface of the skin. 


-     In what regions of the body surface do you think that this keratin layer is the thickest?




Work through the skin slides and models to observe and recognize the following:        


a)   Skin    {APL Fig 6.3}                                                                                 

      The epidermis is easily recognized as stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium. The  dermis may be recognized by the dense irregular C.T., characteristic sebaceous and sweat glands, specialized sensory nerve endings, and appendages, such as hair follicles.


-    In each of the skin slides and in the models distinguish the dermis from the epidermis.


-    In the epidermis, identify the following strata: stratum basale (or stratum germinativum), stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum. In which stratum are melanocytes located and what is their function?


-    Identify the superficial papillary and deeper reticular layers of the dermis.  Identify dermal papillae.  Locate a merocrine sweat gland and try to trace its spiral path up through the dermis and epidermis to the surface.  In what regions of the body surface are apocrine sweat glands concentrated?  What distinguishes apocrine, merocrine, and holocrine glands?


-    Locate a hair follicle.  Identify the hair shaft, surrounding sebaceous glands, and the arrector pili muscle.  Where do sebaceous glands empty?  What is the function of the arrector pili?


-    In the dermis try to locate arteries, veins, and peripheral nerves.  What part of the autonomic nervous system controls sweat and sebaceous glands?  Describe the role of the skin and its appendages in thermoregulation.


-    Compare the slides of thin and thick skin.  Where do you find each in the body?  What dermal structures are missing from thick skin?


b)   Somatosensory Organs  {APL Fig 6.4A}                                                    

      We will study two specialized sensory endings of the skin.  Meissner's corpuscles are small, dense, oval whorls of flattened cells located in the dermal papillae.  Pacinian corpuscles are larger and more circular, resemble onions in cross section, and are typically found much deeper in the dermis.


 -    Try to identify Pacinian (lamellated) and Meissner's (tactile) corpuscles.  What is the function of each?  Why is it more important for Meissner's corpuscles to be located just beneath the epidermis?




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Guide to Physiology


Active Transport


We will study active transport via a video of active transport in the frog skin.  Take careful notes and be prepared to ask questions for any points or procedures which you do not understand.  Be sure to record all measurements which are made during the video. Try to answer the accompanying questions, based on your observations from the video experiment.


Experiment 1


Data Table:


Sac Fluid (Inside)

Bath Fluid (Outside)

Inside Out Skin



Outside Out Skin






Q1.1  What are the principal ions being actively "pumped" across the frog skin?


Q1.2  Which ion is being tracked and how is this done in video experiment #1?


Q1.3  Based on this experiment do individual sodium ions move in one direction or in both directions across the frog skin?


Q1.4  Based on this experiment is the net flux of sodium into or out of a live frog?


Q1.5  What is the point of the control measurement?


Experiment 2


Data Table:

Time after Application

Ouabain to Skin Outside

Ouabain to Skin Inside

t = 0 min (baseline)



t = .45 min



t = 1.5 min    
t = 2.5 min    
t = 5 min    
t = 7.5 min    
t = 10 min    
t = 15 min    
t = 30 min    
t = 60 min    


Q2.1  What measure is used as evidence of sodium flux in this experiment?


Q2.2  Given that sodium ions are positively charged and that the baseline electrical potential is positive inside the skin relative to outside the skin, in which direction are sodium ions being actively transported?  Does this agree with your conclusions from experiment 1?


Q2.3  What is the physiological action and cellular mechanism of ouabain?


Q2.4  Based on this experiment are the sodium pumps nearer to the inner or outer surface of the frog skin?



Experiment 3


                    Data Table:

Time After Application:

Arginine Vasotocin

to Skin Inside

t = 0 min (baseline)


t = 5 min


t = 10 min  
t = 15 min  
t = 20 min  
t = 25 min  
t = 30 min  


Q3.1  What measure is used as evidence of sodium flux in this experiment?


Q3.2  Based on this experiment, does arginine vasotocin increase or decrease the rate of sodium active transport across the frog skin?


Q3.3  Why is the frog skin pumping sodium in the first place?  I.e. what is the physiological benefit or necessity to the frog of pumping sodium across the skin?


Q3.4  Can you think of one organ or location in your body where net transport of sodium across an epithelium might be crucial to its function?


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