Dear Secret Lover,

Don’t think I don’t love you
But I hope you understand
What I don’t want to do
Is not what I cannot
Whats right for me?
Who can tell even that?
I guess age is just a number
Turns out to be more crap
And mores and norms win again
I can’t even fight back.

Is it the child in me that says things will go wrong
Or the rebel that fights and tells me to stay strong?
Who says this isn’t just another bad decision
Is there really something here?
Is my strength based on illusion?
The power of it all I cannot fathom
Not that I care
The strength of my weakness now giving way to explicable fear
Was it Juliet who said parting was sweet sorrow?
What happened to us?
What became of tomorrow?

These words are ones I dare not say
Locked behind my walls
That’s where they will stay.

Soshawn Blair