BIO270 Laboratory Guide #9




After completing this laboratory you should be able to:


1)   Describe the structure of the heart for each of the vertebrate classes;


2)   For each vertebrate heart, identify the chambers and major structures detailed in the list below, and be able to relate those to the flow of blood through the heart and the overall circulatory system;


3)   Identify each of the specific blood vessels of  the shark, mudpuppy, and cat in the list below;


4)   Be able to distinguish hitological smears of blood from the various vertebrate groups;


5)   Identify each of the specific lymphatic organs of  the shark, mudpuppy, and cat in the list below.





1)   Work through Z&K exercise #8, involving the circulatory systems of the shark, mudpuppy and cat.


2)   Be able to distinguish the hearts of representative vertebrates and identify the chambers and other major structures in the shark, amphibian, and mammalian heart, as specified in the list below.


3)   Be able to identify the blood vessels on the accompanying list.  For each be able to state:

              what organs/regions it supplies/drains

              what vessel it branches off of/flows into

               what the major branches/tributaries are.


4)   Pay special attention to the form and function of the hepatic portal system.


Structures to identify: 




            sinus venousus



            conus arteriosus

        Afferent Arteries

            ventral aorta

                  afferent branchial arteries

        Efferent Arteries

            efferent collector loops

                  hypobranchial arteries

                        coronary arteries

            efferent branchial arteries

                  hyoidean epibranchial

                  internal carotid arteries

        Dorsal Aorta and Branches

            dorsal aorta

                  subclavial arteries

                  celiac artery

                  caudal intestinal artery

                  gastrosplenic artery

                  caudal mesenteric artery

                  iliac arteries

        Systemic Veins

            caudal cardinal sinuses

            cranial cadinal sinuses

                  subclavian veins

                        lateral abdominal veins

        Hepatic Portal System

            hepatic portal vein




        Heart - see also calf heart

            left and right atria

            left and right ventricles

            left and right vagus nerves

        Systemic Arteries

            ascending aorta

                  coronary arteries

            aortic arch

                  left subclavian


                        common carotid artieries

                        right subclavian artery

            descending thorasic aorta

                  aortic hiatus of diaphragm

                  diaphragmatic crus muscles

            abdominal aorta

                  celiac artery

                  cranial mesenteric artery

                  renal arteries

                  gonadal arteries

                  caudal mesenteric artery

                  iliolumbar arteries

                  iliac arteries

                        external iliac arteries

                        femoral arteries

        Systemic Veins

            cranial vena cava

                  azygous vein

                  internal thoracic vein

                  brachiocephalic veins

                        common jugular veins

                        subclavian veins

            caudal vena cava

                  vena caval diaphragm foramen

                  hepatic veins

                  renal veins

                        left gonadal vein

                  right gonadal vein

                  common iliac veins

                        external iliac veins

                              femoral vein

                        internal iliac veins

        Hepatic Portal System

            hepatic portal vein

            gastroduodenal vein

            splenic (lienal) vein

            cranial mesenteric vein




            sinus venosus

            right and left atria


            bulbus arteriosus

        Afferent Arteries

            truncus arteriosus

                  afferent branchial arteries

        Efferent Arteries

            efferent branchial arteries

            internal carotid arteries

        Dorsal Aorta and Branches

            dorsal aorta

            subclavian arteries

            celiacomesenteric artery

            mesenteric arteries

            iliac arteries

        Systemic Veins

            caudal vena cava

        Hepatic Portal System

            hepatic portal vein





Work through the demonstration slide set until you can distinguish blood samples from each of the vertebrate groups.





1)  Work through Z&K exercise #8, involving the lymphatic organs of the shark, mudpuppy and cat.


2)  Be able to identify the lymphatic organs of the shark, mudpuppy, and cat, as listed below.


Structures to identify: 


    palatine, lingual, and pharyngeal tonsils (cat)

    thymus (cat)

    lymph nodes (cat)

    spleen (shark, Necturus, cat)